Play A Game!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I posted recently at Firemind and BBD. The post at BBD talks about music players for blogs.

A few more videos have been posted to 2 Lazy 4 Video.

I should post again to Firemind...when i can stop playing computer games. ^__^


Adam said...

Why oh why would you want a MySpace style music player on a blog, its bad enough having to put up with crappy techno music in MySpace let alone on the Blogs. As long as it is only for bands etc thats ok.

Leon said...

Some people like to add music players to blogs. I like them in music blogs because they enhance the posts.

Sidebar gimmicks like the one I added get old fast - especially if they start automatically.

Adam said...

I agree, its a bit of a shame that some people abuse these kind of features to annoy the ... flip out of me.